College is one of the most important decisions a person will make in a lifetime. It marks the transition from adolescence to young adulthood and sets a person on a course for the rest of their life. Selecting the right schools requires thoughtful reflection and diligent work. I provide personalized coaching for students and their families as they navigate 5 stages of the college admissions journey:

  • Self-Discovery – knowing yourself, your personality, interests, strengths and weaknesses.
  • Exploration -learning about the vast variety of colleges and universities
  • Focus – identifying your requirements and developing the list of your Best Fit Colleges
  • Application – completing the applications for your selected schools
  • Evaluation – comparing the admissions decision results and deciding where to attend

Every student’s situation is unique, with different advantages and challenges. That’s why finding “Best Fit Colleges” requires balancing 3 Key Things:

  • Academic Fit – based on HS academic performance (GPA), SAT and ACT test scores, and possible major and career interests
  • Cultural Fit – based on demographics, geography, extra-curricular talents, interests and distance from home
  • Financial Fit – based on each family’s budget and an understanding of merit and need based aid

Navigating the college admissions process was relatively straightforward a generation ago. But these days, it has become increasingly complex and expensive. I use a Project Management framework and principles to manage the college admissions process. Why?

  • The college admissions process is a project with a beginning and an end.
  • Students, parents, teachers and counselors are all stakeholders.
  • We need to identify academic, cultural and financial requirements.
  • We need to set SMART goals and meet milestones.
  • Managing financial aid for college is all about risk mitigation.
  • Ultimately, the student needs to take ownership and responsibility for managing the project.

Does your family need help to manage the most important educational project in your child’s life?  To successfully manage the college admissions process, you need to PLAN IT.

Haruka Yamashita can be your Personal Coach for Your College Admissions Journey.